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Martin L. Borosko, Esq. presents "Key Steps to Propel Your IT Staffing Firm Through M&A"

September 20, 2022: Martin L. Borosko, Esq., Managing Member and Staffing Practice Leader, along with John C. Larsen, Principal Consultant from TechServe Alliance Corp. and Jeremy Falendysz, Partner & Managing Director of UHY Corporate Finance collaborated for the TechServe M&A Marketplace Series presenting to their membership "Key Steps to Propel Your IT Staffing Firm Through M&A".

Their session offered guidance to Owners and Management in helping to better understand company growth through Mergers & Acquisitions.

The panel of Staffing Industry M&A veterans gave their “playbook” on how they counsel their clients on the buy-side of the staffing industry. They gave a deep and detailed dive into how to get started, what to look for in prospective sellers and what the process looks like during the buy cycle.

To listen to their informative discussion, please use the following link:

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